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    surrogate mothers 結果共3筆

  • Survey shows opposition to Taiwan’s reproduction law changes

    Discover the concerns surrounding Taiwan’s Assisted Reproduction Act amendment, as a survey shows 90% find it lacking and 73% oppose surrogacy legalization. Read more on the public’s stance and the debate it sparks.
    2024/09/10 21:00
  • Taiwan’s birth rate may rise by 3% with new fertility law

    Discover how Taiwan’s Assisted Reproduction Act amendment could boost the birth rate by 3% by including same-sex couples, single women, and surrogate mothers. Read insights from Lee Maw-sheng on the potential impact and challenges.
    2024/08/20 17:37
  • Taiwan to amend Assisted Reproduction Act

    Taiwan’s Minister of Health and Welfare, Hsueh Jui-yuan, confirms planned amendments to the "Assisted Reproduction Act" will include changes to surrogacy policies, extending coverage to same-sex partners, single women, and surrogate mothers. The draft law will be made public early next year and reviewed by the Executive Yuan by the year’s end. Presidential candidates have called for surrogacy policy consideration, with Ko Wen-je inviting a long-term surrogacy policy advocate for discussion. The amendments are not influenced by Ko’s political platform. The ongoing effort to amend the law has been ongoing for two-and-a-half years, with a preliminary draft of 42 articles finalized and 13 expert meetings held. The revision aims to protect children’s rights while addressing same-sex marriage, single women, and surrogacy issues. Surrogacy services will require professional consultation and legal contracts to outline rights and obligations for both parties.
    2023/11/09 09:50
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